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Video Seks:- Wartawan Anon 9.00am Membongkar. Bukti Kukuh Berada Pada Kaki PAPA GOMO

Oleh : HHalem

1- Berikut satu lagi analisa mengenai video seks Anwar. Ia diambil dari ruang komen laman web Papa Gomo untuk yang minta disebarkan oleh Anon 9:00am.

2- Dipercayai Anon 9:00am ini telah melihat video asal diatas alasan-alasan berikut. 

Pertamanya beliau tidak memakai nama asal (takut beb, kena tahan nanti macam Papa Gomo!). 

Keduanya di komen didalam bahasa Inggeris (kebiasaannya wartawan, apabila kita narrow down kepada orang yang telah melihat video asal). 

Ketiganya, wartawan yang pernah dan mahir didalam hal-hal Cinema/Movie Production.

3- ‘A dead give away’ yang Anon 9:00am telah melihat video asal atau pun mempunyai video asal apabila beliau menyebut mengenai,

Janggut Anwar yang jelas kelihatan pada video ‘clear high-definition 22 minutes’. Tanda ‘marking’ dimuka Anwar di pipi kanan mid face jelas kelihatan. Hanya di You Tube 2 minit low-resolution sahaja janggut Anwar tidak kelihatan dengan jelas. Memang janggut dan tanda di muka jelas dan berada di situ.”

Wahhh ! Tepat dan jitu. Memang pakar dan pernah melihat video asal berkali-kali. Kemudian siap dengan meminta dan dengan ayat pengukuhan,

Kalau tidak percaya, tanya sesiapa daripada 20+ wartawan yang pernah melihat sendiri”

...Dibawah teks asal yang diambil di ruang komen Papa Gomo....

By : Anonymous, April 18, 2011 9:00 AM 

————— Rakan2 ku, sila sebarkan maklumat2 ini ke website2 lain!! Terutama yg berbahasa inggeris 

1) The original version is about 22 minutes, in high definition, in proprietary i-catch format, converted to general format for playback with general video player. The youtube version is about 2 minute, low-definition and part of the face blurred by Anwar Supporters.

2) In the beginning, before Anwar & Eskay switch off all lights in the room, the i-Catch camera were recording in colour. That is why eskay shirt (green) and Anwar’s face are seen in color.

3) When Anwar switched off all lights (except bath room’s), then the i-catch CCTV technology automatically switched to night-vision mode. Hence, it became black-and-white.

4) i-Catch CCTV technology is very advance. The reason for the 4 cameras to be positioned close to each other is for the technology to process the vid with pixel-noise-cancelling software (algorithm), hence making the quality very clear.

5) Anwar has been proofed by many journalist not tweeting during the prostitute session. Only Anwar’s Supporter websites claimed he is tweeting..

6) About the big-belly issue. Everyone, including me, when captured in video will look “fatter” than we really are. That is very common problem with camera angle. Most cameras are not meant for Cinema/Movie Production. Furthermore, Anwar is not that slim either. The man in the video has a very common shape of 60+ years old man. FYI Anwar is 64.

7) Janggut/Goatee – In the original version (clear high-definition 22 minutes), the goatee or “Janggut” is very visible. Not only that, even the “mole” or “marking” in Anwar’s face (right cheek, mid face) is also visible.
Only in the 2 minutes youtube low-resolution version, the Janggut can’t be seen clearly. It is actually there, but anwar’s supporters can’t see it.

Thai banner/subtitles – In the original version, there is NO thai “banner” in the video. Ask any of the 20+ journalist who watched it. 

No Thai subtitles/words in the original version. It only appears in the low-quality, youtube version.

9) DAP supporters said: 

“We don’t care if Anwar frequently use prostitute service or not. If he can rule this country, we will vote for him.” 

A very stupid statement. If a political leader frequently use prostitute services, he is very likely to relay secret and confidential information about our government, defence & economic information to prostitutes connected with foreign intelligents like CIA, M15

10) PAS supporters said “Distributing & showing porn material to the public IS A CRIME”.
Yes, pornography business & distribution it is a crime. But for revealing that certain political leader is corrupt or have a very low moral (Vijandran, Chua Soi Lek & Anwar), it is not a crime. Everyone including you and me WANT To KNOW the TRUTH because these people are leaders. Leaders should have integrity & honour, not corrupted with prostitues scandals and lies.

————— Rakan2 ku, sila sebarkan maklumat2 ini ke website2 lain!! Terutama yg berbahasa inggeris 

“Mungkin Juga Ini Cerita Tuan Papa Gomo Kepada Anon 9.00am”

“Atau adakah ini cerita Tuan Papa Gomo sendiri kerana beliau memang mahir berbahasa Inggeris”

Lihat teks asal di ruang komen Anon 9:00 am April 18 di Papa Gomo>

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