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MURTAD :- Sophia aka Nadeane bt Che Mohd Salleh Yang Terjebak.

Oleh : HHalem.

1- NADEANE BT MOHD SALLEH atau SOPHIA adalah salah seorang daripada 12 Melayu Islam yang di soal oleh JAIS semasa pemeriksaan di Gereja Methodist Damansara Utama. Lain-lain nama boleh didapati di sini >

2- Beliau dikatakan penganjur kepada program di bawah Harapan Komuniti. Semasa pemeriksaan Sophia dikatakan tidak mengaku beragama Islam sedangkan kad pengenalannya tertera beliau Islam. Di bawah ini penulis perturunkan alamat Sophia di Taman Seputeh. Kad Pengenalan beliau ialah 790317-01-6094

Cerita baik yang terperinci bagaimana dan apa yang berlaku didalam Gereja di tulis oleh ScrewKuat. Malah penulis dirujukan oleh The Unspinners ke ScrewKuat ke sini>

ScrewKuat pula mendapat maklumat dari salah seorang sahabat beliau yang hadir bersama di Gereja malam tersebut. Kita stay tune dan ikuti ScrewKuat selepas ini.

Di perturunkan Contoh Sijil Murtad – dari blog YB Zul Kulim kerana beliau pernah membela kes isu murtad. Penulis pun tidak pernah lihat sijil macam ni.

Certificate of Baptism:

This is to certify that AZLINA BT JAILANI (LINA) child of JAILANI BIN SHARIFF and his wife KALTHUM BIN OMAR born at Selangor date of Birth 08 January 1964 was baptized in CHURCH OF OUR LADY FATIMA-BRICKFIELDS KL on the 11 May in the year of our Lord 1998.

In the Name of the Father
and the Son
and of the Holy Spirit

Duty of Parents & Godparents You are responsible that this child be educated in the Faith, furthermore, it is your duty to bring up this child to live the Faith by observing God's Commandment as Christ taught us, namely loving God and your neighbor. Godparents are to help parents in their duty as Christian mothers and fathers.

Godfather: S.S. Santiago
Godmother: Rosy Doraisamy
Minister of Baptism: Joseph A. Pereira

Stamp of Church:
Church of Our Lady Fatima,
Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad,


  1. man on da street17/08/2011, 19:25

    "Godfather: S.S. Santiago
    Godmother: Rosy Doraisamy
    Minister of Baptism: Joseph A. Pereira

    Stamp of Church:
    Church of Our Lady Fatima,
    Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad," These fellows are in deep shit,my fellow brothers n sisters. Its an offence and they know it!Why not use the islamic law especially for the muslims faith against "AZLINA BT JAILANI (LINA) child of JAILANI BIN SHARIFF and his wife KALTHUM BIN OMAR born at Selangor date of Birth 08 January 1964 was baptized in CHURCH OF OUR LADY FATIMA-BRICKFIELDS KL on the 11 May in the year of our Lord 1998".and towards that"Godfather: S.S. Santiago
    Godmother: Rosy Doraisamy
    Minister of Baptism: Joseph A. Pereira" These people have got a lot to answer against the courts in Malaysia? Please act agaisnt these perpetrators of crime.You can convert any, many but do it right, but for this particular issue, you guys got to answer for it!

  2. Since when we need the law to compel people to believe in any religion. what are you pretending not to know? Your relationship with God is a personal matter, if you feel comforted that you can force someone to confess that they believe in your God, you obviously need him more than them !
