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Kadir Sheikh Fadzir: Akan Hadapi Tindakan Displin Umno. (Video).

Oleh: HHalem.

Kadir:  “Umno Berperinsip, Jika Beri Wang Salah, Tak Beri Wang Kalah”
Kadir:  “Umno, Huduh Dan Ketinggalan Zaman”
Kadir:  "Umno Sudah Terpesong"

Pandangan bernas-terbaik-klasik Kadir untuk memperbaiki Umno dan Kerajaan secara pembaikan berterusan dan berpanjangan (continual improvement).

Ada kah Umno Disciplinary Committee akan memanggil Kadir untuk diberi amaran atau di pecat dari Umno ?.

Former Umno Supreme Council member, Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir said he was ready to face Umno Disciplinary Committee if called up.

Abdul Kadir, who is also deputy president of non-political movement Angkatan Amanah Merdeka, said he expected the committee to call him up for allegedly making statements that may affect the interests of the party during interviews by some internet TV portals, recently.

"I will also provide copies of the DVDs of the interviews to Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor next week," - he told a news conference in Seri Kembangan near here, yesterday.

Two copies of the DVDs containing his interviews with the Harakah Daily,, and also a speech made by him at a seminar were distributed to the reporters present.

Abdul Kadir said he was still loyal to Umno and his action of making these statements were for the good of the party and government.

"As an Umno member who has been in the party for 55 years and has held various positions in the government, of course I have the experience and the right to give my views," he said.


  1. Aku org Kulim...masa dia pegang KB Kulim/Bandar Bahau nak menang pun dia main duit jugak..ckp x serupa bikin....podah

  2. Di Pekan, musim permilihan,main duit macam empangan pecah!
    DSN pun dah tak boleh cakap apa.
    Janji tak kena tangkap sudah..berebut2 perwakilan jual undi..selalu nya makan kiri kanan tapi siapa yang bayar lebih, dialah menang.
    Kalau tak der duit, jangan harap bertanding. Takder perwakilan nak layan.

  3. Ape Bro'

    UMNO simply cant manage difference of opinions

